Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Journal #9 Organized Religion
I really do not have much to say about organized religion. I do not have that much to say because i am quite frankly not that religious. I mean, i do not even know that much about religion. I mean, i know simple things about the Bible when it comes to Christianity, but that is simply it. Seeing how i have a very unbiased opinion on religion, i think that it is nice that i can kind of choose what i want to believe rather than having a parent forcing me what to believe by following the religion that he or she grew up with. In all honesty, i really do truly enjoy having the freedom to believe in what i want to believe. Right now though, I am kind of sad to say that i do not know what to believe in, but at the same time, no one really does. In my opinion, i believe that it is wrong to say that certain religions are not right because peoples' opinions on religion are based on what they want to believe, what relates most to them, or what they have been forced to believe; therefore, it is not fair to say that certain religions are better that others because it is in what you want to believe. At this point in my life, i do not really know what to believe, unlike some of my other peers. I do not try to judge religion other than when people are judging others for their less popular religious views. It is not fair to judge someone based on their religion simply because, in my shoes, i do not know enough about any or any branch of religion to judge someone. If i did judge someone, then that would be unfair and i hope that they would win the argument because i do not know enough of what they are talking about. On the other hand, if someone is trying to force their religion down my throat, then i hope that i can tell them to stop talking because it is not fair to do that to someone else.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Journal #8-Proofreading
I kind of liked the video that we watched today in English class but at the same time, i thought that it was kind of dumb and a waste of time. I mean, to me, there was not much of a point to watching the video. To me, it would have been much more useful just to say, remember to proofread your papers and just to be done with it. I did not like the video also because i would much rather write about something else rather than my reaction to some random video that we watched in class. It really did not teach me anything anyway. I know that someone should always proofread what i have written just to make sure that i do not get points taken off from assignments or anything like that. It was a waste o9f time to watch a video like that when i already know that i must proofread everything that i write. it is just obvious that everyone has to proofread their papers before they turn them in. If they do not, then chances are, they have many careless mistakes in their essay and they will probably get many points taken off from his or her paper. Although, there were some parts that i thought were funny. I mean it is not like it was not entertaining, but i just think that we could have been using our time to do something more productive rather than watching a funny video online. At the same time though, some of the words that the speaker in the video were pretty funny because of the ways they were used. There were many instances when i thought that instead of using graphic language, the speaker could have used more appropriate word to make the video seem more classroom friendly. Anyway, i would have much rather been writing about something fun and much more interesting rather than writing about my thoughts on some video that we watched in class that i did not find important.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I honestly do not believe very much in superstitions. If i did though, i would probably believe in witches. For any of you who are reading this blog wondering why i would believe in witches, i have a question for you, why not? I mean witches are evil and awesome. It would be awesome if they were real. In fact, i believe that last Friday at the football game i saw one. She took the form of i girl playing on the playground. I should have known that something bad was going to happen. So, anyway, i went up to this girl to ask her if she wanted to buy a glow bracelet to support the science club and she turned around really slowly and replied with the word, "Sup?" It was not what she said that actually scared me. It was also not how she said it either. I was the look in her eyes. They were covered in black make-up. What king of ten year old wears make-up? I'll tell you what kind. a witch kind. That is what kind. It was like i was looking into the soul of the devil. I was so scared to the point where i could not even move. I honestly cannot even describe how i felt when i saw her standing there. I am pretty sure that she secretly had cast a spell on me because i could not move. What kind of witch takes the form of a ten year old girl. That is just plain evil. I cannot even begin to think about what happened to that poor girl. Now that i think about it, the witches might know where i live now! oh No! i should probably tell someone because it would not be a good thing if witches started breaking into my house in the middle of the night. I do not even know how the witches would even get information like that but i may be in danger!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Journal #6 Consequences
I do not think that i have ever seriously blamed someone else for doing something bad that i did. If i have, then i honestly do nor remember it. If i have in the past then it must have not been that big of a deal or something. Anyway, some repercussions of blaming someone else for doing something that you did are probably pretty serious if what you said someone else did is serious enough i suppose. All it truly is is lying about something you did. Now, as simple as that may sound, i am sure that the consequences are pretty serious for doing something like that. For example, if you blame a close friend or someone like that for something that you did and they know that you did it, you may lose that close friend. I am sure that no one would like to lose a close friend over something that you lied about just to avoid getting in trouble. I know that if i got blamed for something that i did not do and i ended up getting in trouble for it, that i would be very very mad. I would not be happy at all. I mean, would it really be worth it to lie just to avoid a little bit of trouble? I do not think so. Not one bit. Another consequence would be if the person that you lied to found out that you have lied to them then there are some pretty extreme consequences that you could face from the person that you lied to. For example, if you ever lied to your parents, you could be in very big trouble or you could even be grounded for a very long time. In my opinion, it is not worth lying to your parents just to avoid getting in trouble for a little while. If you are wondering why i said for a little while, i am implying that your parents will probably find out
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Journal 5-Fair Punishments
I think that if were a parent i would punish them by grounding them from oxygen. Every child tends to love oxygen. it is almost like a necessity to them. But really, it is more of a privlege than a right. I mean, who actually needs oxygen? It is not like we are talking about taking away air here. I mean, people actually need air to breathe. No, i am just kidding. That would be awful if a parent actually grounded their child from oxygen. Obviously, the child would die. That would be sad. anyway, if i were a parent, i would probably give my child an early curfew. I do not think that it would ever be necessary to completely ground my child from hanging out with his or her friends because i actually do believe that they have a right to hang out with their friends because sometimes, school can be extremely stressful and it really helps kids when they can hang out with their friends. that is why i think that an earlier curfew is a good punishment. The child can still hang out with their friends for some time, but they still understand the punishment when they have to come home early. I believe that this is why kids get mad at their parents when they cannot hang out with their friends. Kids can be stressed a lot from school and it is always nice to hang out with your friends to manage stress but when you cannot even see your friends on weekends, thingsd can be very stressful for your children and they may get very mad at their parents because of the stress that they are going through. So, i think that this would be the best punishment because the child can still see his or her friends on the weekends, but they will still get the point of the punishment when they have to come home early for the earlier curfew.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Journal 4-How Vacations Affect Me
The experience of traveling affects me very much. I guess that this is all I have to write about for the entire blog because i do not quite understand the wording of the topic? Anyway, two years ago, my freshman year, I took a vacation to space. It was pretty sweet. Well, that might be kind of an understatement, but you kind of get the idea. So, i left at the beginning of spring break and came back the day after it ended. My family and i went to the Kennedy Space Center for the launch. It was pretty scary for me. Luckily, i survived. Anyway, on our way to Mars, we obviously got bored so, we just slept the whole time. I guess i will just skip this part because it is boring. So, when we landed on Mars, the first thing we saw was a Martian named Skippy. Skippy was a pretty sly Martian, but that explanation comes later in the story for why he was so sly. Anyway, so we met Skippy and he showed us around. As it turns out, Mars is actually a pretty nice place once you stop getting headaches from staring at the bright red landscape. The climate is pretty nice and it is just a nice place to hang out. I have not even mentioned the view from Mars. It was the greatest because when you looked up you could see almost every star in the universe. Anyway, apparently when we were relaxing on Mars, Skippy and his Martian friends decided that they would like to study our every move and then with the observations that they gathered, they were going to try to take over earth. What a little devil Skippy was. So, he tried to take us hostage, but his plan basically failed right there because Martians are like three feet tall and so my family and I fought back very easily and made it back to earth safely.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Journal 3-How I Would React in a Hostage Situation
If i were a hostage, that would be a problem. I would definitely feel very unlucky. Very unlucky indeed. but anyway, i guess if i were in a hostage situation, i would probably not try to be a hero or anything. I think that it is dumb trying to be a hero in those situations because the poice will probably just end up finding a way to arrest the criminal. Therefore, i kind of find it pointless to risk my safety and try to be a hero when the police will end up saving the day. In a hostage situation, i would probably just end up listening to the person that has taken me hostage and do whatever he says. I would not want to make him mad or angry because chances are, he probably has a gun and he could hurt me very badly if he wanted to. Even if i did want to be the hero in a hostage situation and fight off the criminals that are trying to take me hostage, i would probably be too scared in the end to make any move towards attacking the criminals. Let's be honest. In most hostage situations, the criminals are usually armed with pretty powerful weapons that could hurt many people at once. If a saw that the person who had taken me hostage had a gun or weapon that could possibly end my life, i would probably start crying because i would be so scared. So, i only have like seventy five words left to type in five minutes, so i guess that i could get this blog done in class which would be very nice. Anyway, i honestly have no clue how i could be lured into a hostage situation. I am usually smart in situations like that i think. I can usually tell if someone is up to no good by the way that they are dressed and how they approach you. Well, i guess that this is how i would react in a hostage situation.
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